Journal of Public Administration, Policy and Governance Research Journal of Public Administration, Policy and Governance Research Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar en-US Journal of Public Administration, Policy and Governance Research An Analysis of the Factors that Contribute to High School Dropout Rate in Calabar Municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>This study analyzed the factors that contribute to high school dropout rate in Calabar municipality of Cross River State, Nigeria. It adopted survey design and two research questions were raised while two hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. </em><em>The population consisted of 7,826 dropout students from 16 public secondary schools in the municipality during the 2023/2024 academic session. A simple random sampling technique was used to select a representative sample of 392 students. The sampling process involved: obtaining a list of public secondary schools in Calabar Municipality from the Ministry of Education; collecting the total number of dropout students from each school over the last 5 years; determining the overall population of dropout students; calculating the sampling fraction by dividing the required sample size by 10% of the total population; using a table of random numbers to systematically select students from each school's graduate list based on the sampling fraction. A self-structured questionnaire, titled: Assessing the Factors that Contribute to Students' Dropout (AFCSDQ), was developed and used for the study. Data collected were descriptively analysed using mean and standard deviation and inferentially analysed with Chi-Square of Independence. Findings revealed that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that poverty does significantly contribute to students' dropout rates in public secondary schools. It also found that there is </em><em>sufficient evidence to conclude that teen pregnancy does significantly contribute to students' dropout rates in public secondary schools in Calabar Municipality, Cross River State. It is therefore recommended amongst others that school administrators should implement a scholarship/bursary program to help students from low-income families cover tuition, books, supplies and transportation costs to reduce the financial burden of schooling.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Roland Afen Inah Michael Chukwudi Uzoigwe Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 2 3 1 13 Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Growth in Some Selected West African Countries <p><em>This study explores the intricate relationship between foreign capital flows and economic growth in carefully selected West African countries. The analysis considers a range of foreign capital inflow variables, including foreign direct investment (FDI), foreign portfolio investment (FPI), remittances (RMT), official development assistance (ODA), external debt (EXD), real exchange rates (RER), and trade openness (OPN). It evaluates these variables within the context of several economic theories and models, such as the Balance of Payment Constrained Growth Theory, Factor Endowment Theory, Harrod-Domar Model of Growth, Neoclassical Theory of Growth, and Two-Gap Model Theory. The empirical findings highlight the varying degrees of influence exerted by foreign capital inflows on economic growth across the selected countries. FDI emerges as a consistently positive contributor to economic growth, albeit with variations in its magnitude. In contrast, FPI exhibits mixed effects, positively impacting growth in some nations while exhibiting negative or negligible effects in others. Remittances are found to play a pivotal role, with their influence on economic growth varying across countries. ODA and EXD are revealed to have positive associations with economic growth, underscoring the significance of development aid and external financing. Real exchange rates, while influential, display nuanced effects, and trade openness consistently shows a positive and statistically significant impact on economic growth. These findings have significant policy implications, emphasizing the need for tailored strategies that consider each country's unique economic context and characteristics. It is crucial for policymakers to navigate the complexities of foreign capital inflows to maximize their potential benefits while mitigating associated risks. </em><em>T</em><em>his study provides a comprehensive examination of foreign capital flows and their impact on economic growth, offering nuanced insights into the intricate relationship between these variables. It underscores the importance of flexible and context-specific policy measures to harness the potential of foreign capital inflows for sustainable economic growth and development in an increasingly interconnected global economy.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Edwin Zuobomudor Agbana Lubo Ebisine Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 2 3 14 30 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Public Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing its implication for Job Losses <p><em>Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables computers, robots, and other machines (like drones and driverless cars) to perform tasks that were previously only possible for people or a small group of people. AI uses techniques like robotic process automation, natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning (including deep learning), and computer vision. This study aims to investigate the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on job losses in public governance in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study uses a correlational research approach, which is more focused on establishing the state of a phenomenon rather than identifying the specific cause. Information was gathered and findings were discussed using secondary data. The results showed that a greater proportion of occupations in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially in agriculture, are in danger of disappearing due to artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Thus, among other things, it is advised that AI be used sparingly in Sub-Saharan African’ governance related matters.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Paulinus Agabi Ekunke Daniel Bisong Bisong Peter Ebam Ebam Ibor Efoli Eta Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 2 3 31 41 Education and Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria <p><em>E</em><em>ducation either formal or informal is the process of training man to fulfill his targeted goal by exercising all the faculties to the fullest as a member of society. </em><em>It is</em><em> the process or art of imparting knowledge or skills on someone to enhance his/her productivity (Enemi, 2023). In other words, education helps to bring out the best in man. </em><em>According to </em><em>World Economic Forum (WEF 2016) as cited in Grant, C. (2017)</em><em>, e</em><em>ducation is the stock of skills, competencies, and other productivity-enhancing characteristics. Sanubi &amp; Akpotu (2015) submitted that education is a bridge to the future, an agent for human capital formation, a man power industry that produces the knowledge and skills necessary for development. Hence, Plato opined that attainting knowledge was for the interest of the society and the individual. Interestingly, philosophers and scholars categorized education in four ways viz: as a spiritual pursuit, as development of innate human potentialities, as a social orientation of the human being and the contemporary aspect of education based on artificial or e-learning. Obodo et al (2007) added that science and technology education are very crucial to national development and that technology education even at the basic education level is a veritable tool to developing a stock of skilled manpower which a nation needs for development. In the contemporary era therefore, information and communication technology (ICT) is quintessential to enhancing socio-economic development considering its application in all facet of economy. This paper argues from existing literature that education is a vital tool for socio-economic development in Nigeria. &nbsp;The Socratic philosophy of education which centers on knowledge is used to give direction for analysis while views of scholars were also analyzed. In summation, education is process of training </em><em>nation’s manpower to harness and exploit vast natural resource endowments for socio-economic development.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Education, socio-economic and development, </em><em>Information and Communication Technology (ICT)</em></p> Okon Effiong Enemi Copyright (c) 2024 Author 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 3 42 52 Bridging the Digital Divide: A Study on the Growth of Digitalization through Digital Transformation in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions <p><em>The digital divide is a significant challenge facing Nigerian tertiary institutions, with many institutions struggling to keep pace with the rapid pace of technological change. This study explores the growth of digitalization through digital transformation in Nigerian tertiary institutions, with a focus on bridging the digital divide. Using a qualitative case study approach, the study examines the experiences and perceptions of faculty members, administrators, and students in three Nigerian tertiary institutions with varying levels of digitalization. The findings highlight the importance of digital infrastructure, digital literacy, and digital pedagogy in promoting digital transformation, as well as the need for institutional policies and strategies to support digitalization. The study also identifies key challenges and barriers to digitalization, including inadequate infrastructure, lack of digital literacy, and limited access to digital resources. The study's findings have implications for policymakers, educators, and administrators seeking to promote digital transformation and bridge the digital divide in Nigerian tertiary institutions.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Roland Afen Inah Patience Owere Ekpang Michael Chukwudi Uzoigwe Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 2 3 53 62 Sustainable Development Goal 1 and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: The Implementation Challenges <p><em>Eradicating poverty in all its form has been the burden of governments and non-governmental organizations in the world. However, in order to end poverty. However, in order to end poverty, the United Nations through its Sustainable Development Goals has been proactive in implementing programmes towards ending poverty by 2030. Despite the effort of the SGD and that of the Nigerian government, instead of poverty reducing, there seems to be a geometrical increase in the number of poor people in the country and this has been attributed to a lot of factors but not limited to corruption in public offices. The objective of this paper is to examine the challenges militating against the effective implementation of SDG goal 1 in Nigeria. The paper adopted secondary methods of data collection and hence relied on content analysis as its analytical tool. The work is anchored on Human Development Theory by <a href="">Amartya Sen</a></em><em>. It was found out that, the United Nations through the SDG has initiated programmes that would have helped reduce poverty but poverty persists because of corruption and other vices associated in the implementation process. Based on the findings, it is recommended that awareness and proper identification of the poor at the village level should be the approach adopted by the government to select beneficiaries of poverty reduction programmes in the country.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nseowo Udofia ANIETI Copyright (c) 2024 Author 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 3 63 73 An Appraisal of NDDC Vocational Skills Acquisition Programme and Socioeconomic Wellbeing of the People in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>This study evaluated the connection between the socioeconomic well-being of residents in the Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria, and the NDDC vocational skills acquisition program. For the study, a cross-sectional survey design was chosen. The study's target population consisted of 546,782 persons who were at least 18 years old. For the study, three sample techniques were used: simple random sampling, cluster sampling, and purposive sampling. 1,200 adults, both male and female, who lived in the study region made up the sample. Focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews, and questionnaires were the instruments used to gather data. Respondents were given a questionnaire with both closed- and open-ended questions. At the 0.05 level of significance, the study used Simple Linear Regression Analysis to test the hypothesis. The people's socioeconomic well-being and the acquisition of occupational skills were found to be positively correlated. The study's conclusions led to several recommendations, including that the government adopt a bottom-up approach to project selection and implementation, reevaluate the commission's needs assessment strategy to better reflect the needs of the populace, and strengthen and reorganize the vocational skill acquisition programs run by the NDDC in the study area to increase their efficacy.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Cletus Ekok Omono Francis Abul Uyang Orim Orim Okpa Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 3 74 83 Social Media Utilization for Health Promotion: Exploring the Extent of Use by Doctors in Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>Engagement of social media by health practitioners has increased over the past few decades, but the extent of its use for healthcare is still a subject of continuous enquiry. The study investigated the utilization of social media for health promotion among doctors in Cross River State. The primary objective was to determine the extent to which doctors employ social media platforms for promoting health. This cross-sectional survey included a purposive sample of 174 respondents, consisting of 103 males and 71 females, drawn from 11 secondary and 1 tertiary health facilities. Data collection was carried out using a structured questionnaire, and the analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation, via SPSS version 20. The findings revealed that a significant majority (77%) of doctors utilize social media for health promotion, with usage patterns ranging from moderate to high extent, but displaying minimal to high variation. The study recommends that health institutions establish policies that encourage consistent and effective use of social media among health practitioners to enhance health promotion efforts.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ntongha Eni Ikpi Lilian Otu Ubi Akomaye Sylvester Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 3 84 93 Perspectives in Local Government Development Strides and Well-Being of People in Cross River Central Senatorial District, Nigeria <p><em>The focus of this study is to analyse the relationship between local government intervention projects and the socio-economic well-being of the people in Cross River State Central Senatorial District, Nigeria. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Literature was thematically and empirically reviewed on the key variables of the study - local government intervention projects in education, and health care delivery. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted, using a standard questionnaire to collect data from 400 respondents in the study. The generated data were statistically tested using linear regression. The results showed a significant relationship between the intervention projects in education, health care delivery and socio-economic well-being of the people in Cross River Central Senatorial District, Nigeria. The study concluded that these intervention projects have significantly improved the socio-economic well-being of the people in the Senatorial District. It is recommended that the</em><em> basic infrastructure be delivered to the rural people to support the reduction of poverty and sustainable development in the region. National and sub-national governments and other stakeholders should support local government authorities to improve on road repairs and construction to enable more connectivity between rural and urban dwellers.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mary U. Ojong-Ejoh William Ubi Eteng Rose Utsubasha Abuokwen Cecilia Agbor Osaji Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 3 94 100 Violent Crime Dynamics and Socio-Economic Development in Cross River Southern Senatorial District, Nigeria <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The study examined the relationship between violent crimes and socio-economic development of Cross River Southern Senatorial District, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to examine the extent to which kidnapping, armed robbery, affect socio-economic development of Cross River Southern Senatorial District, Nigeria. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey research design. Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Three hundred and eighty-four (384) respondents were selected from the study area. A self-report questionnaire developed by researcher and approved by the supervisors was used as instrument for data collection. The data obtained were statistically analysed using simple linear regression. Each hypothesis was tested at 0.05 per cent level of significance. The result obtained from the analysis revealed that, kidnapping, armed robbery, significantly affects the socio-economic development of Cross River Southern Senatorial District, Nigeria. From the findings of this study, it is evident that there is a significant relationship between violent crime and socio-economic development in the study area. The study recommended among other things that there is an urgent need to improve the level of training of security personnel to meet up with the growing and emerging technologies in crime prevention and improve the general conditions of service of police officers in Nigeria. This will motivate them to discharge their constitutional responsibilities efficiently and effectively. The government should allocate additional resources to enhance the capabilities of the Nigeria Police Force, placing particular focus on contemporary policing methods. This includes providing training in forensic science, psychology, and the application of DNA and ballistics techniques to support effective law enforcement.&nbsp; </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mary U. Ojong-Ejoh John Thompson Okpa Rose Utsubasha Abuokwen Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 2 3 101 110 Family Structure and Academic Achievement of Female Students in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>The objective of this study was to examine the correlation between family composition and academic achievement among female students enrolled at the University of Calabar in Nigeria. Three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation. The study focused only on female undergraduate students from all departments within the University of Calabar. A purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample of 240 study respondents from six faculties. The study used a survey research approach, gathering data using questionnaire titled the "Family Structure and Academic Achievement Questionnaire" (FSAA). In order to evaluate the hypotheses, a statistical analysis called an independent t-test was performed. The significance threshold was set at 0.05. The results indicated that the academic performance of female students at the University of Calabar is greatly impacted by the sort of family structure they come from, including whether they have two parents, a single parent, or a step-parent. These results suggest that governments, business organisations, and people engaged in education should take proactive measures to overcome the obstacles that impede students' academic achievement. Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge and attend to the distinct requirements of children from diverse household configurations. Counsellors should provide essential aid and psychological support to pupils hailing from single-parent families in order to assist them in managing emotional difficulties. Furthermore, it is essential to provide continuous education to parents on the significance of the domestic setting in influencing the development of female children. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>family structure, academic achievement, education, emotional problems</em></p> Dorn Cklaimz Enamhe Ojiho Issac Honey Legbel Elemi Ogar Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 2 3 111 116 Assessment of the Effects of Fuel Subsidy Removal on the Living Conditions of Residents in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>This paper investigated the effect fuel subsidy removal on the living conditions of residents of Calabar metropolis in Cross River State, Nigeria. The paper was guided by three specific objectives: to examine the extent of variation in prices of goods in Calabar metropolis, to assess the effect of subsidy removal on transportation in Calabar Metropolis and to examine the effect of subsidy removal on the cost of family health management by residents of Calabar metropolis in-line with the research questions. Relevant literatures were cited to offer the basis for the study. The paper derived its theoretical grounds from two theories, namely; the gradualism theory propounded by James Hutton in 1795 and the welfare theory postulated by Vilfredo Pareto and co. in the late 1897<sup>th</sup>. The researchers adopted survey research design as well as quantitative and qualitative data analysis technique where regression statistical tool was used to analyze the data obtained from the field. The population of the study was made-up of the 170000 registered residents of Calabar metropolis during the 2006 census and the sample size was 150 interviewees selected via the use of Yemen formula which represented 0.882% of the total population. The findings of the study via the instrument of interview and questionnaires revealed that there is a very significant effect of the current fuel subsidy removal on the prices of goods and services in Calabar metropolis as prices are skyrocketing continuously, Another findings of the paper revealed that there is a very significant effect of fuel subsidy removal on transportation in Calabar metropolis as transportation has doubled-up to four times after May 29<sup>th</sup> 2023 and finally the paper revealed that there is a very significant price deferential in the cost of healthcare management because of fuel subsidy removal as recommendations were made thereof. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Albert Aya Alagbor Glory Edim Inok Reje Bernard Opue Silo Ignatius Ekpenyong Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 2 3 117 131 Couple Fertility as Determinant of Family Stability in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>This research examined the fertility of couples and family stability in the Calabar Municipality Local Government Area of Cross River State, proposing two null hypotheses. The study focused on married individuals in public secondary schools in Calabar, with a purposive sample of 240 respondents. Using a survey research design, data was collected through the "Couple Fertility and Family Stability Questionnaire" (CFFSQ) and analysed using Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient at a significance level of 0.01. The findings revealed a strong correlation between family stability and factors such as couple education, communication, religious background, and age. Based on these results, it is recommended that couples experiencing fertility delays seek medical assistance and maintain a positive mind-set, avoiding negative thoughts. Additionally, it is important for relatives to support couples facing infertility and refrain from actions that could undermine their relationship. Married couples should also prioritize sexual satisfaction to enhance marital stability, recognizing sexual activity as an essential marital responsibility.</em></p> <p><em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></em></p> Dorn Cklaimz Enamhe Ojiho Issac Honey Legbel Elemi Ogar Cletus Ekok Omono Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 2 3 132 136 Infrastructures, Taxation and Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria <p><em>This study looked at how taxes and infrastructure development affected small and medium-sized firms' performance in the Jalingo Metropolis. The specific goals were to find out whether road infrastructure has a significant impact on small and medium-sized businesses' ability to deliver goods and services, whether taxes have a significant impact on the performance of small and medium-sized businesses in Jalingo Metropolis, and whether the availability of electricity has a significant impact on the profitability of small and medium-sized businesses in Jalingo Metropolis. The survey design was employed in the investigation. 370 small and medium-sized companies in the Jalingo Metropolis were the study's population. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data, which was then analyzed using the chi-square technique. The chi-square analysis revealed that the availability of electricity has a major impact on the profitability of small and medium-sized businesses in the Jalingo Metropolis; road infrastructure has a significant impact on the delivery of goods and services by small and medium-sized businesses in the Jalingo Metropolis; and taxes have no significant impact on the performance of small and medium-sized businesses in the Jalingo Metropolis. Based on the study's findings, the government should adopt consistent tax policies that will assist the expansion of small enterprises in Jalingo- Metropolis. For the objective of creating a flourishing and dynamic small company sector, the tax rules should be adequate enough to neither burden small enterprises nor discourage voluntary compliance. Additionally, the government should adopt a tax policy that would stimulate investments in small firms. Lastly, the government should make sure that dishonest tax officials who oversee tax assessment and collection are replaced in order to prevent numerous taxes from being imposed on small enterprises.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rimamtanung Nyiputen Ishaku Josephine Japheth Wubon Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 3 137 149 The “Go to Court” Syndrome in Nigeria: Reengineering the Administration of Justice System in Nigeria <p><em>The euphemism of “Go to Court” is assuming a dangerous dimension in our political system and is already undermining the place of the judiciary as the last hope of the common man. &nbsp;Public Administration undergirds and provides the structure for the administration of justice in Nigeria. It is the place of Administrators to cast a penetrating look at the justice system in Nigeria so we can diagnose the problem and provide the panacea for Nigeria’s ailing judicial system. In this paper, our approach is analytical and our theory is the system theory. Our goal is to show that the judicial system being one of the pillars of the political system will undermine the entire system if it is not provided the administrative fillip as quickly as possible. The key problem is systemic corruption in the judicial arm of government. Our objective is to show that the provision of a watertight administrative system will extirpate corruption and reset the judiciary to continue to play her role as the last hope for the common man and the temple for the dispensation of justice.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Lily N. Ozumba Agnes Ubana Enang Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 3 150 159 Relegation of Merit System and Politicization of Appointments: Escalation of Young African Migration to Europe <p><em>This article seeks to address the relegation of merit system and the politicization of appointments that propel young and intelligent Africans to migrate to Europe and other developed countries. There is no gainsaying that about 95 percent of young Africans travelling to Europe and other developed countries is for economic prosperity occasioned by job offers&nbsp; base on merit .It is unfortunate that&nbsp; African continent that is rich in both human and natural resources&nbsp; yet most qualified young Africans cannot secure jobs base on merit despite their professional competence and expertise .This is the bane on African development .The article emphasized the negative impact and the pains young luckless Africans travelling to Europe &nbsp;through&nbsp; the Mediterranean sea without proper documents where many &nbsp;have lost their lives .The article proffered solid recommendations to ending this social problem of&nbsp; young Africans migrating out of the continent to include ,the enforcement of the African Union Migration Policy Framework (2018-2027),the workability&nbsp; of the justice system to prosecute any person found wonton to have breached the law pertaining to appointments and relegation of merits. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ubi Ubi Omini Jason Emeka Umahi Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 3 160 168 Public Administration and Development of Public Programmes in Nigeria: Reappraisal of the Contending Issues <p><em>The paper attempts to point out some of the contending issues often overlooked in the treatment of public administration in development programmes. Conflict in planning arising from poor articulation of public policies and programmes objectives, communication and credibility gap between the levels of government rooted in competing interests in public programmes call for, a discourse of alternative approaches to assessing the possible developmental role of bureaucracy in Nigeria. Over the years, the emergence of political technocrats in public administration has weaken the civil service as institution professionally and also creates conditions for government poor performance in service delivery. The paper contends that the numerous administrative hierarchies with complex mechanism, red tape, titles and conflicting issues of commitment and accountability which features as a permanent social force and a monolithic immovable structure account for the systemic crisis of poverty, insecurity, corruption, backwardness among others in Nigeria. There is need for balancing the trade off which public administration generates to address the issues of non availability of a strong bureaucratic tradition of responsible and accountable behavior that is compatible with professional norms of impartiality and political neutrality for efficient delivery of public programmes. Discourse of the paper is on the nature of public administration and development programmes: A reappraisal of contending issues. The paper adopts quantitative survey method and secondary source of data to analyze the data collected. A sample of 500 questionnaires was administered and chi-square statistical technique was employed to test the hypothesis. The result of the findings shows that Nigeria public administration lacks a strong bureaucratic tradition to address the task of promoting socio-economic development programmes for the wellbeing of the people. The paper recommends a reformulation of public administration with development functions to address the present and future crisis of development in Nigeria.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Public administration, development programmes, planning, bureaucratic tradition</em></p> Agnes Ubana Enang Lily N. Ozumba Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-17 2024-08-17 2 3 169 183 Assessing the Impact of Performance Appraisal on the Efficiency of Part-Time Faculty in Tertiary Institutions in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria <p><em>This study is an assessment of how part-time faculty's productivity is affected by performance appraisals at Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria's higher education institutions. The purpose of the study is to comprehend how part-time employees' performance and job satisfaction are affected by appraisal procedures in the academic setting. We polled part-time instructors at various Calabar-based postsecondary schools. The findings showed differing opinions about the application of performance reviews. 38% of respondents agreed that appraisal methods are successful and acknowledged their contribution to improving professional growth and job performance. According to these respondents, receiving constructive criticism, having their contributions acknowledged, and receiving regular appraisals inspired them to enhance their instructional strategies. Nonetheless, a sizable majority of respondents 62% voiced worries about the appraisal process, expressing anxieties about the demanding tasks involved in these assessments. This group expressed concerns about the fairness, openness, and possible pressure that assessments may bring, which could cause stress and impair their ability to do their jobs well. The study comes to the conclusion that although performance reviews might increase the effectiveness of part-time instructors, institutions must address the worries of individuals who are afraid of the procedure. To ensure that assessments favorably impact employee performance and overall institutional goals, we advocate a balanced approach that includes clear communication, supportive measures, and transparent evaluation standards.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> F. Bassey Otosi I. Obeten Okoi I. Ubana Ubi Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 2 3 184 196 Economic Implications of Fuel Subsidy Removal in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects <p><em>This paper is an assessment of the economic implications of fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria with specific focus on the challenges and prospects. To do this, we examined the origin of fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria and the over all effect. The work adopted a mixed research design using a content approach technique. Data were obtained through secondary and primary sources of the content approaches such as oral, written, interview, articles, journals, online newspapers and group focus discussion. Measures were introduced in form of palliatives, loans, wage award and grants. The result shows that, fuel prices shock increases generating significantly and persistently economic hardship, death, poverty and inflation while the exchange rate depreciate in Nigeria currency with a generation of socio-economic implications: high economic insatiability, corruption and shock on fuel prices. The study recommended adequate deployment of well trudged safety measures, evolution of sustainable adjustment mechanism and increase in salaries to all civil servants in the country.</em></p> Ofem Ibor Esekpa Wisdom Amos Ekarika Glory Joseph Njama Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 2 3 197 206 Management Strategies for Net-Zero Emissions for Nigeria’s Sub-National Level <p><em>Achieving net-zero emissions at the Nigeria’s subnational levels begins with the adoption of Nigeria’s commitment at the UNFCCC COP 21 and COP 26 which translate into the Nationally Determined Contributions towards a global temperature increase below 20C, and Carbon Neutrality by 2060. Given that the Climate Change Act (2021) and Energy Transition Plan are in place, the gap is clearly viewed in terms of implementation strategies. The sub-national regions require an intricate balance of innovative management strategies tailored to their individually unique local contexts. This paper explores the multifaceted improvement in energy efficiency, reforestation initiatives, and the promotion of smart, sustainable mining activities, regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices. Integrating these strategies involves enhancing policy frameworks, leveraging technology, and promoting inclusivity through community enlightenment, education, awareness creation and engagement. In addition, the study emphasises multi-stakeholder collaboration between government, private sector, and civil society as an essential pathway to ensuring effective and measurable implementation and scalability. By adopting and revising the comprehensive management strategies proposed by this study, Nigeria's sub-national entities approach necessary to address the diverse economic, environmental, and social landscapes that must be considered as key strategies for nationwide net-zero attainment. These include the adoption of renewable energy sources, can significantly contribute to the national goal of achieving net-zero emissions, while also fostering economic development (through innovation and adaptation) and building resilience to the impacts driven by climate change.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Tyodzer Patrick PILLAH Victoria PILLAH Fanan UJOH Daniel Enajeme AGBAGHARE Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 2 3 207 217 Insecurity A Harbinger to Industrial Growth for Economic Development in Kogi State, Nigeria <p><em>This study assessed insecurity a harbinger to industrial growth for economic development in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study made use of content analysis. Data were sourced through secondary means by relying on existing documented materials related to the subject matter under investigation. Existing material on the concept of insecurity, causes of insecurity in Kogi state, the patterns and trends of industrial growth and investment and the limitation of insecurity, and the threat of insecurity to industrial growth and investment in Kogi State.&nbsp; The study found out that insecurity is a major challenge to economic development in Kogi State, Nigeria, that insecurity has a negative impact on investment and economic growth, agricultural production and food security among others. The study therefore recommended amongst others that the Kogi State government should develop a state development plan that prioritizes economic growth and development, the Kogi State government should establish a public-private partnership to attract investment and promote economic growth in the state</em><em>. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abdullahi Aliyu Olayemi Olufemi Ifatimehin Faith Ugbojoide Benjamin Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 2 3 218 227 Federalism and Water Management in Nigeria <p><em>Nigeria is a Federation of 36 states, 774 local governments, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The country is divided into 8 hydrological areas drained mainly by the Rivers Niger and Benue and their numerous minor tributaries as well as inland lakes. In addition, the country has an annual rainfall of about 4000mm in the southeast and 300mm in the extreme northeast as well as surface and groundwater resources of about 267.3 billion cubic metres and 51.9 billion cubic metres respectively. However, Nigeria’s abundance water potential has remained largely untapped, leading to underutilization of the resources and unmet water and sanitation needs, with only about half of Nigerians having access to safe drinking water and about 32% having access to sanitation. Water resource management in Nigeria faces enormous challenges including weak institutional framework, weak data, increasing population growth, and climate change. These problems are further complicated by the Federal structure of the country which vests the three levels of government (Federal, State and Local Governments) with overlapping responsibility for water resource management, thus leading to fragmentation, duplication and lack of inter-sectoral coordination. This paper examines these issues, focusing on water policies, laws and reforms; institutional and regulatory frameworks; and the intergovernmental ramifications of these interactions, including Federal interventions, and politics of water related to states’ and groups’ rights.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> Patrick Tyodzer PILLAH Eyene Okpanachi OKPANACHI Daniel Enajeme AGBAGHARE Fanan UJOH Copyright (c) 2024 Authors 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 2 3 228 251