Journal of Public Administration, Policy and Governance Research 2025-02-19T10:43:52+00:00 Dr. Michael Sunday Agba Open Journal Systems Journal of Public Administration, Policy and Governance Research Digital Workflows Systems and Administrative Efficiency of Non-Academic Staff in the University of Calabar, Nigeria 2025-01-22T14:22:09+00:00 Beconson Fredrick Ikaka Melford Ochang Echadu Vincent Obok Igbang Queen Marshal Etta <p><em>This study examined the impact of digital workflows system on administrative efficiency on non-academic staff in the University of Calabar. Survey design was adopted and the population comprised of all non-academic staff of the Institution. Two hypotheses were formulated and a 5-point Likert questionnaire was administered to 288 senior Registry staff of the Institution who were selected using the Taro Yameni sample size determination formula. Descriptive data were analyzed with frequency count and percentage while the hypotheses were tested with Pearson correlation coefficient (r) at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed the adoption of software tools has significantly enhanced the speed of processing student transcripts, results and school fees in the institution. Also, the result showed the cloud storge systems adopted in the University of Calabar has been able to address gross administrative inefficiencies in the area of record management. It was also revealed that thought the adoption of digital workflows has been able to revolutionize administrative services in core areas, the university is still experiencing challenges such as lack of training to enhance the digital skills of staff, inadequate infrastructure and lack of support team to address technical issues in times of downturn. Key recommendations include establishing a monitoring system, creating a dedicated IT support team, and ensuring system reliability through proper maintenance.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Prebendal Politics and National Development: A Perspective Relevant to Nigeria 2025-01-26T21:01:16+00:00 Okorn Tabi Okorn Ejoh Manyo Ojong <p><em>This study examines the impact of Prebendal politics on national development in Nigeria. It explores the concept of prebendalism, coined by Richard A. Joseph, which describes the sense of entitlement many Nigerians feel towards the country's tax income. The research investigates the nature of Prebendal politics, national development, and the effect of Prebendal politics on national development in Nigeria. The study aims to provide a conceptual and theoretical appraisal of Prebendal politics and national development, highlighting the instability and incompatibility of prebendal practices with effective public services and democratic systems The paper recommends that proper political leadership with the neccesary political will should emerge at all levels It further recommends that political office holders mindsets must shift from the prebendal ideology to that of selflessness and patriotism.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Social Networking and Staff Performance in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria 2025-01-31T09:07:07+00:00 Bassey B. Ikpeme Chimaobi Okorie Egbi Uno Ethothi <p><em>This study examines the impact of social networking on staff performance in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. In today’s digitalized academic environment social networking is transforming communication collaboration and information sharing influencing productivity, engagement and job satisfaction. This research investigates how social networking affects staff performance, focusing on factors like information accessibility, workplace communication, relationship building and work-life balance. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, with data collected through structured questionnaires and interviews from both academic and non-academic staff. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used to identify trends and key themes. Findings indicate that social networking can enhance staff performance by improving information sharing and supporting collaboration, fostering a more connected work environment. However, excessive use can also lead to distractions, negatively impacting productivity for some employees. Variations were observed across departments and roles suggesting the effects may be role-specific. Based on these insights, recommendations for university policy include balanced social networking use within professional boundaries to maximize benefits while minimizing distractions. This study provides valuable insights for institutional policymakers and administrators seeking to leverage digital tools to improve staff performance in Nigerian universities.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Blue Ocean Strategy and Competitive Advantage of Dangote Holdings in North-Central Nigeria 2025-01-31T11:23:11+00:00 Yakubu Philemon Audu Peter Umar Danjuma <p><em>The study examines Blue Ocean Strategy and competitive advantage of Dangote Holdings in North-Central Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to among other things investigate the application of BOS strategies of product/ service differentiation and value innovation in achieving competitive strategies in Dangote Holdings. To achieve the objectives of the study, a survey research design was used and data collected from 70 management staff of the Dangote Holdings in North-Central Nigeria through a questionnaire designed in five points Likert scale. Data collected were subjected to careful and painstakingly analysis through descriptive and parametric statistical tools. Specifically, tables, mean scores and percentages were the descriptive tool used while multiple regressions were used to test the hypotheses of the study. The test indicated a positive and significant influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Consequently, the study recommends product differentiation and value innovation as means of setting the company apart from others so as to exit Red Ocean market before the wave of change sweeps take them by surprise.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Social Work Intervention and Conflict Management in Bakassi Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria 2025-01-31T12:08:32+00:00 Bassey B. Ikpeme Chimaobi Okorie Egbi Uno Ethothi <p><em>This study explored the role of social work interventions in conflict management in Bakassi Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. Bakassi, a region historically impacted by border disputes, forced migration, and socio-economic challenges remains a hotspot for conflict due to tensions over limited resources, displacement issues and socio-political uncertainties. The study examined how social work intervention programmes affect conflict management. Using the mixed-methods approach, the research gathered data from community members, displaced persons, and social workers through surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions. Findings highlight, that conflicts in Bakassi arise from land disputes, unemployment, and inadequate social amenities, which are further exacerbated by the influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and economic instability. The research identifies social work intervention as a key component in mitigating these conflicts by addressing root causes, providing psycho-social support, advocating for vulnerable populations, and facilitating dialogue among conflicting parties. Social workers play an essential role in offering mediation, community sensitization, and trauma-informed care, helping to reduce tensions and fostering a climate of trust and cooperation. The study emphasizes the need for government support, adequate resources and community-based interventions to enhance the effectiveness of social work in conflict management. Recommendations include capacity building for social workers, the establishment of conflict resolution programs tailored to the unique socio-political dynamics of Bakassi and policies that prioritize the welfare of displaced populations. This research underscores the significance of social work in creating resilient communities and advancing sustainable peace in conflict-affected regions.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors The Globalization Effect: Examining the Nexus of Insecurity and Migration in Nigeria 2025-02-05T18:40:50+00:00 Benedict Nnamdi Njoku Itojong Anthony Ayamba Freeman Igbri Ogar Ntuk Joe Ntuk <p><em>This paper examines the nexus between globalization and insecurity as well as migration phenomena in Nigeria. The issue of globalization has continued to exert a tremendous negative influence on the nation in the areas of insecurity and migration. This implies that both insecurity and migration challenges in the country are triggered by globalization in order to sustain the Western domination and exploitation of the country’s available resources. The influx of non-Nigerian nationals in the country distorted the peaceful and coherent internal structures of the Nigerian communities before the era of colonialism, leading to the present spate of national security threats. Consequent upon this, the emigration of Nigerians to those advanced countries for a better living standard and safety is equally been made possible. The paper aims to interrogate the impact of globalization on insecurity in Nigeria and to examine the extent to which globalization affects migration in Nigeria. The dependency theory and world system theory were employed to explicate the relationship between globalization and the issues of insecurity and migration in Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative methodology where data were collected from secondary sources. The findings of the study amongst others show that globalization instigates insecurity in Nigeria through the influx of illegal non-Nigerians into the country. It was therefore recommended amongst others that policies that promote inclusivity and social cohesion should be crafted and implemented in order to forestall the indices that have escalated insecurity problems; and government should invest in education and vocational training programs that align with market demands so as to help combat brain drain and enhance local capacity.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Federalism: The High-Octane Underwriter for and of Corruption in Nigeria 2025-02-13T07:00:56+00:00 Stephen L. W. Nyeenenwa <p><em>The essence of federalism is to promote regional autonomy, foster development, provide checks and balances and to improve the wellbeing of the generality of Nigerians. Unfortunately, federalism has become a shield, cover-up and hiding place for corruption in Nigeria. In this sense, corruption is given the garb of tribalism and ties of kinship. The division of Nigeria into units and sections, which only serve to gather people of a like ethnic cleavage and who dip their hands into the Nigerian commonwealth and take away the funds meant for the people and end up being let off the hook, because that is what his people, or is kinsmen want. It has also deteriorated into Nigerians being drawn to criticise or condemn the said grievous acts of corruption or fending off the corrupt based on which region or area the person hails from. This is why federalism staves off punishment, and works hard to hold the culprit from bearing the brunt of their action. Working through the hermeneutic and critical tools, we will seek to unravel this development, by reeving through what federalism is and what it is not, what ways it plays this role and how to curb this unwholesome move towards legalising corruption.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp; <br></em></strong></p> 2025-02-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Author Development Administration and Administrative Development Interventions: Addressing Insecurity in Nigeria 2025-02-19T10:00:22+00:00 Omini Ubi Ubi Opue Reje Bernard Etowa Ebri George <p><em>The article is about the transition from the traditional public administration to development administration and administrative development to address the high level of insecurity in Nigeria. Currently the entire geo – political zones in Nigeria is bedeviled with insecurity which has impacted negatively on the image and economy &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of the country. The article made it clear that development administration and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; administrative development if properly introduced in public administrative system can address the myriads of insecurity issues since some of the causes of insecurity stem from the way the government is managing the affairs of the country. The article posited that promotion of peace and security, economic stability, confronting the sponsors of insecurity without compromise and using security bureaucrats to fight insecurity are keys to resolving security issues in Nigeria.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors Nigeria and the Dearth of Patriots and Statesmen: An Essay in Honour of Gani Fawehinmi 2025-02-19T10:43:52+00:00 Ugumanim Bassey Obo Venatius Azinor Ukor <p><em>One tragic calamity that has befallen Nigeria as a country is the fact that it has been plagued by one of the most avaricious, unproductive and parasitic political classes on earth. Since the attainment of self-rule in 1960, the country has been terribly misruled by extremely unpatriotic and thoroughly corrupt elite. This underpins the mass poverty and gross underdevelopment which have bedeviled the country over the decades. But on 22<sup>nd </sup>April, 1938, Nigeria experienced some good fortune with the birth of an indisputably phenomenal man, who, for seventy-one eventful years, abandoned the privileges bestowed on him by his enormous skills, talents and knowledge, and took the side of the Nigerian hoi-polloi<strong>. </strong>This essay is in honour of Chief Abdulganiyu Oyesola Fawehinmi, Senior Advocate of the Masses (SAM); SAN, popularly and affectionately called Gani. This extraordinary man sacrificed everything in his struggles against bad governance in Nigeria and the numerous improprieties of the Nigerian elite. Gani was special; he was an icon and a hero; he was a fearless and vocal patriot; and he was a compassionate and kind-hearted statesman. This is the focus of this paper.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-02-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Authors